Enterprise networking refers to the physical, virtual and logical design of a network, and how the various software, hardware and protocols work together to transmit data. When it comes to enterprise networking, every organization has different needs, and in the era of digital transformation, modern enterprises are relying more on software-driven solutions to power intelligent network architecture, automation and design. In our hyper-connected world, a stable, reliable network is regarded as a given, and the consequences of an unreliable network are only getting more severe. In fact, according to Gartner, the approximate cost of network downtime is $5,600 per minute, and can be much higher for technology-dependent organizations. As enterprise network architectures grow more complex, many organizations are finding it difficult to keep up.
We at KDCC work and partner with world leaders in enterprise networking technology to provide organization with networking solutions to simplify the process, like unified wired/wireless infrastructures, automated campus and agile data center networking solutions. Powered by our comprehensive portfolio of partners, we help our customer to create a more intelligent, responsive, and integrated networks.